
By Barchart

    The getCashFlow API provides information about cash flow, income and cash equivalents of publicly traded companies.

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Description Data Type
    fields The fields requested.
    symbols A symbol or code that identifies a financial instrument. Multiple symbols separated by a comma may be used.

    Response Fields

    Field Description Data Type
    accountsPayable double
    accountsReceivable double
    capitalExpenditure double
    cashAtBeginningOfPeriod double
    cashAtEndOfPeriod double
    changeInDeposits double
    changeInDepositsWithBank double
    changeInShortTermBorrowing double
    commonStockIssued double
    commonStockRepurchased double
    debtIssued double
    debtRepayment double
    deferredIncomeTax double
    depreciationAndAmortization double
    dividendPaid double
    effectOfExchangeRateChanges double
    freeCashFlow double
    investmentsInProperty double
    loans double
    netAcquisitions double
    netCashFromOperatingActivities double
    netCashProvidedByFinancingActivities double
    netCashUsedForInvestingActivities double
    netChangeInCash double
    netChangeInLoans double
    netIncome double
    operatingCashFlow double
    otherFinancingActivity double
    otherInvestingActivity double
    otherOperatingActivities double
    otherWorkingCapital double
    period string
    purchasesAndSaleOfIntangibles double
    purchasesOfInvestments double
    salesOfInvestments double
    symbol string

    About the Vendor

    From market data feeds to website content solutions and trading software to our flagship financial portal,, and individual subscription services, Barchart is the definitive source for comprehensive financial data and information.