
Daily Reference Data covering millions of global securities

Query Parameters:

Parameter Meaning Data Type
T Application Key which authenticates you with cloudquote (required) Base64 String
mic The MIC code of the exchange String
startDate The start date to return records for Date String - YYYY-MM-DD Format
endDate The end date to return records for Date String - YYYY-MM-DD Format

CSV Response:

The response is a CSV file formatted per RFC 4180 spec "". The first line of the file contains the field names, which are not guaranteed to be in any particular order. Applications should reference this line and not assume that the field names will always be in a particular order. Fields may be added to the file at any time.

CSV Fields:

  • Do not assume that the data in the columns will always be in a particular order.
Field Meaning Data Type
SecurityExchangeId Unique global level Listing ID Integer
BloombergCompositeId EDI Internal unique ID for Bloomberg Composite Codes Integer
BloombergExchangeId EDI Internal unique ID for Bloomberg Exchange Codes Integer
ActiveFlag Event Level Action Status String
ChangeTime Date event updated Date
CreatedDate Date event first entered Date
SecurityId Unique global level Security ID (can be used to link all multiple listings together Integer
IssuerId Unique global level Issuer ID (can be used to link all securities of a company togther) Integer
ISIN ISIN code (global level identifier) String
USCode USCode (global level identifier) String
IssuerName Name of Issuer String
CountryOfIncorporation ISO Country of Incorporation of Issuer String
SIC Standard Industrial Classification Code String
CIK Central Index Key String
IndustryId EDI Proprietary Industry Sector Code Integer
SecurityCode Type of Equity Instrument String
SecurityDescription Security Description String
ParValue Security Parvalue Double
ParValueCurrency Security Parvalue Currency String
StatusFlag Inactive at the global level else security is active. Not to be confused with delisted which is inactive at the exchange level String
PrimaryExchangeCode Exchange code for the primary listing (empty if unknown) String
BloombergCurency Bloomberg Trading Currency String
BloombergCompositeGlobalId Bloomberg composite global ID String
BloombergCompositeTicker Bloomberg composite ticker String
BloombergGlobalId Bloomberg global ID String
BloombergExchangeTicker Bloomberg exchange ticker String
StructCode String
ExchangeCountry Country of Exchange where listed String
ExchangeCode EDI maintained Exchange code. Equivalent to the MIC code but necessary as MIC might not be available in a timely fashion. String
MIC ISO standard Market Identification Code String
SegmentMIC ISO standard Market Identification Code String
LocalCode Local code unique at Market level - a ticker or number String
ListingStatus Indicates whether a security is Listed on an Exchange or Unlisted Indicates Exchange Listing Status String

About the Vendor

Since 1994, Exchange Data International (EDI) has been helping the global financial community make informed decisions with high quality securities reference data, corporate actions and end of day pricing services.

Exchange Data International covers all major markets with special emphasis on emerging and frontier markets that are Africa, Asia, Far East, Latin America and Middle East.