
getOptionClosingMarks records are created immediately after the market close and when exchanges publish official marks. These records contain closing quotes and prices as well as markup details for all outright options. SpiderRock includes their own algorithms that create estimates of the correct theoretical price, creating the SpiderRock closing mark. Data available starting from 1/1/2016.

Order Data Name Description Data Type Comments
1 okey_tk* Option symbol varchar(12)
2 okey_yr* Option expiration year smallint(5) unsigned
3 okey_mn* Option expiration month tinyint(3) unsigned
4 okey_dy* Option expiration day tinyint(3) unsigned
5 okey_xx* Option strike double
6 okey_cp* Option call/put indicator enum ('Call','Put','Pair')
7 clsMarkState* LastPrt = last print received; SRClose = SpiderRock snapshot; ExchClose = official exchange close price; Final = Final close mark enum ('None','LastPrt','SRClose','ExchClose','Final')
8 uSrCls* SpiderRock underlier closing mark (C - 1m) double
9 uClose* Exchange underlier closing mark double
10 srClsPrc* SpiderRock close mark (close - 1min) double
11 closePrc* Official exchange closing mark (last print;then official close) double
12 srPrc* SpiderRock surface price (always within bidPx/askPx) (C - 1m) float
13 srVol* SpiderRock surface volatility (C - 1m) float
14 srSrc* SpiderRock price source [NbboMid, SRVol, LoBound, HiBound, SRPricer, SRQuote, CloseMark] enum ('None','NbboMid','SRVol','LoBound','HiBound','SRPricer','SRQuote','CloseMark')
15 timestamp* YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss datetime
16 uBid SpiderRock closing underlier bid (C - 1m) double
17 uAsk SpiderRock closing underlier ask (C – 1m) double
18 bidPrc SpiderRock closing option bid (C - 1m) float
19 askPrc SpiderRock closing option ask (C - 1m) float
20 bidIV Implied vol of SpiderRock closing bid price (C - 1m) float
21 askIV Implied vol of SpiderRock closing ask price (C - 1m) float
22 de Delta (SR surface) float
23 ga Gamma (SR surface) float
24 th Theta (SR surface) float
25 ve Vega (SR surface) float
26 rh Rho (SR surrface) float
27 ph Phi (SR surface) float
28 sdiv SpiderRock sdiv rate float
29 ddiv SpiderRock ddiv rate (sum of discrete dividend amounts) float
30 rate SpiderRock interest rate float
31 years Years to expiration float
32 error SpiderRock pricing library calculation error code tinyint(3) unsigned
33 openInterest Open Interest int(11)
34 prtCount Print count int(11)
35 prtVolume Total printed volume int(11)
  • Indicates the content of basic version of the file.

About the Vendor

SpiderRock is a technology provider that creates and deploys some of the most innovative algorithmic execution and risk management solutions commercially available to service large hedge funds, bank trading desks and proprietary trading firms around the world. The platform is a high-performance, cloud-based trading system empowering institutional clients with tools to construct, manage, and scale equity, futures and option strategies.

SpiderRock is also a market data vendor specializing in low latency data and analytics services. In addition, they offer electronic execution and market access services via SpiderRock EXS, an agency broker dealer regulated by FINRA and NFA.