
The getETFHoldings API retrieves all the holdings for a particular ETF

Query Parameters:

Parameter Meaning Data Type
T Application Key which authenticates you with cloudquote (required) Base64 string
ticker The symbol of the ETF to retrieve String

JSON Response:

The response is an object, containing the following keys:

Parameter Meaning Data Type
rows A collection of rows Array of Object
rows[...] A single row Object

Fields in rows[...] Object:

Field Meaning Data Type
BBGIDComposite Bloomberg ID for the security Number
BloombergSymbol Bloomberg Symbol for the security String
CUSIP CUSIP # for the security Number
ConstituentName Name of the security String
ConstituentTicker Ticker Symbol of the security String
ConstituentType Type of security String
ContractExpiryDate Contract Expiration Date for the security Date String
Coupon Coupon Value for the security Number
Currency Currency the security trades in String
Face Face Value of the security Number
ISIN ISIN Number of the security String
ISOMarketIdentifierCode MIC code of the exchange the security is listed on String
Identifier Security Identifier String
IdentifierType Security Identifier Type String
IndexProviderCode Index Provider Code for the security String
IndustryGroup Industry Grouping for the security String
Location Location the security is listed in String
MarketValueHeld Market Value of the security held Number
Maturity Maturity Date of the security Date String
NotionalValue Notional Value of the security Number
QuantityHeld Quantity of security held Number
QuantityPerShare Quantity of security held, per share Number
QuantityUnits Quantity of units held Number
RIC RIC of security String
SEDOL SEDOL # of security String
Weighting Weighting of security Number

About the Vendor

First Bridge provides institutional quality data feeds and analytics on Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) globally.