
The getCompetitors API provides basic information about the top 3 competitors of a company

Query Parameters:

Parameter Meaning Data Type
T Application Key which authenticates you with cloudquote (required) Base64 string
owlerId The unique owler identifier used to identify the company Integer
website The website URL for the company String

JSON Response:

The response is an object, containing the following keys:

Parameter Meaning Data Type
rows A collection of competitors Array of Objects
rows[...] A single competitor Object

Fields in rows[...] Object:

Field Meaning Data Type
company_id The owlerID for the company Integer
name The name of the company String
website The website of the company URI String
short_name The shortened name for the company String
logo_url The URL of the companies logo URI String
profile_url The URL for the companies Owler Profile URI String

What is Owler?

Owler is the world’s largest crowdsourced business insights platform

Owler’s mission is to make you smarter. Owler members are business professionals from every business function. They come to Owler because they:

  • Need to know how they stack up against their competitors
  • Are overwhelmed by the amount of noise in their business news feeds
  • Need crisp intelligence and alerts on their competitors, customers, partners, etc.