API Directory

114 financial APIs for websites, mobile apps, desktop, and signage products. High quality data from leading financial data providers.

Barchart APIs

  • findStock
    The findStock API is to search for a stock based on ticker symbol or name
  • getBalanceSheets
    The getBalanceSheets API provides access to public company financial balance sheets based on symbol.
  • getCashFlow
    The getCashFlow API provides information about cash flow, income and cash equivalents of publicly traded companies.
  • getCompetitors
    The getCompetitors API provides a list of related stock symbols (competitors) for an underlying stock input.
  • getCorporateActions
    The getCorporateActions API provides corporate actions data on equities including Splits, Dividends and Earnings, based on a symbol.
  • getEarningsEstimates
    The getEarningsEstimates API provides per share earnings estimates on public companies for quarterly and annual periods based on symbol.
  • getEarningsEstimatesBySecurity
    The getEarningsEstimates API provides per share earnings estimates on public companies for quarterly and annual periods based on symbol.
  • getEquitiesByExchange
    Receive all real-time or delayed stock and/or index price data by exchange through a single onDemand query.
  • getEquityOptions
    The getEquityOptions API provides EOD options data such as strike, expiration date, volatility, etc.
  • getEquityOptionsExpirations
    The getSymbolLookUp API provides a list of all instruments based on the keyword being passed.
  • getEquityOptionsHistory
    Get historical prices for equity option.
  • getEquityOptionsIntraday
    The getEquityOptionsIntraday API provides intraday options data such as strike, expiration date, volatility, etc.
  • getETFConstituents
    The getETFConstituents API provides the complete list of constituents for a given ETF.
  • getETFDetails
    The getETFDetails API provides ETF profile information, including descriptions, fund family, underlying index, and more
  • getFinancialHighlights
    The getFinancialHighlights API provides key financial highlights, ratios and statistics for equities based on symbol.
  • getFinancialRatios
    The getFinancialRatios API provides key financial ratios for equities based on symbol. Up to 8 years of financial ratios are available.
  • getFuturesByExchange
    Receive all real-time or delayed, or end-of-day Futures data by exchange through a single onDemand query.
  • getFuturesExpirations
    The getFuturesExpiration API provides first notice and last trade dates for futures contracts.
  • getFuturesOptions
    The getFuturesOptions API provides EOD options data such as strike, expiration date, volatility, etc.
  • getFuturesOptionsExpirations
    The getFuturesOptionsExpirations API provides last trade dates for options on futures contracts
  • getFuturesOptionsHistory
    The getFuturesOptionsHistory API provides historical prices for options on Futures contracts
  • getFuturesSpecifications
    The getFuturesSpecifications API provides contract information such as trading hours, contract size and tick size for futures contracts.
  • getHighsLows
    The getHighsLows API provides lists for new 52-week highs or 52-week lows based on exchange and asset type.
  • getHistory
    The getHistory API is used to request historical time series data on stocks, indices, mutual funds, ETFs, futures, indices or forex pairs. Historical data is available as tick, minute or end-of-day data.
  • getIncomeStatements
    The getIncomeStatements API provides access to public company financial Income statements based on symbol.
  • getIndexMembers
    The getIndexMembers API returns the stocks compromising a given index.
  • getInstrumentDefinition
    The getInstrumentDefinition API is available to request meta data on financial instruments by symbol, exchange, or exchange MIC. Meta data includes instrument names, exchange codes, tick increments, base codes, expiration dates and more.
  • getLeaders
    The getLeaders API provides leaderboard lists for equities, futures, forex, mutual funds and ETFs, including most active, gainers, losers, what's hot and what's not hot.
  • getMomentum
    The getMomentum API provides a daily summary on the number of advancing, declining and unchanged stocks, as well as the percentage of stocks above moving averages of different lengths.
  • getProfile
    The getProfile API is used to request information about a company, such as sector, industry, company description, CEO, recent earnings, P/E ratio, and address, based on a symbol.
  • getQuote
    The getQuote API is used to request price data, either real-time, delayed or end-of-day, by symbol.
  • getQuoteEOD
    The getQuoteEod API is used to request end-of-day price data from world-wide exchanges using exchange MIC codes.
  • getSECFilings
    The getSECFilings API provides access to quarterly, annual and other required regulatory/SEC filings for U.S. publically traded companies based on symbol.
  • getSectors
    The getSectors API provides returns using weighted alpha on sectors covering multiple periods
  • getSignal
    The getSignal API provides the Barchart Technical Opinion / Signal (buy, sell or hold) based on a variety of technical indicators for a symbol.
  • getSpecialOptions
    The getSpecialOptions API provides delayed ("I") and end-of-day ("D") data for short-dated and weekly futures options.
  • getSymbolLookup
    The getSymbolLookup API is used to lookup securities by symbol
  • getTechnicals
    The getTechnicals API provides technical data and statistics for equities, indices, futures, forex and funds based on symbol.
  • getTTMDividends
    Retrieves the TTM dividend value for one or more securities

Benzinga APIs

Brave New Coin APIs

  • getDailyBitcoinLiquidIndex
    The Daily Bitcoin index price in US dollars. The index is calculated from the underlying trade data from each exchange included in the tick period.
  • getDailyMarketCap
    Retrieves daily market cap data for over 150 digital currencies
  • getDailySpotPrice
    Retrieves daily OHLCV spot prices for over 150 digital currencies
  • getRealtimeBitcoinLiquidIndex
    Bitcoin Liquid Index (BLX). The Bitcoin index price in US dollars. The index is calculated from the underlying trade data from each exchange included in the tick period. The coin index prices are in US dollars, and accurate down to a "coin tick". A coin tick is created every 30 seconds. BLX price and volume data for 30 second ticks across the full historic range. Current price updated every 30 seconds. Up to 1000 data points per API call.
  • getRealtimeSpotPrice
    Retrieves 5 minute spot prices for over 150 digital currencies

CryptoQuote APIs

  • getMarketSnapshot
    Retrieves a realtime market snapshot showing the current price of popular digital currencies across multiple exchanges

ETFGlobal APIs

  • getETFConstituents
    The getETFConstituents API retrieves all the constituents for a particular ETF
  • getETFFundFlows
    Retrieves fund flow data for an ETF
  • getETFProfile
    Retrieves the industry profile for an ETF, including detailed sector based exposure data

Estimize APIs

  • getEconomicIndicators
    The getEconomicIndicators API returns the economic indicator information for all economic indicators that Estimize covers.
  • getEconomicIndicatorsById
    The getEconomicIndicatorsById API returns the economic indicator information for the economic indicator specified by id.
  • getEconomicIndicatorsByIdEstimates
    The getEconomicIndicatorsByIdEstimates returns the estimates for releases of the economic indicator specified by id.
  • getEconomicIndicatorsByIdReleases
    The getEconomicIndicatorsByIdReleases API returns the releases for the economic indicator specified by id.
  • getEquityCompanies
    The getEquityCompanies API returns the company information for all companies that Estimize covers.
  • getEquityCompaniesReleasesQDelta
    The getEquityCompaniesReleasesQDelta API returns the financial release for the specified company (by ticker) for the specified delta from the current quarter, where current quarter would be 0, previous quarter would be -1, next quarter 1, etc
  • getEquityCompaniesTicker
    The getEquityCompaniesTicker API returns the company information for the company specified with ticker.
  • getEquityCompaniesTickerEstimates
    The getEquityCompaniesTickerEstimates API returns all estimates for a company (specified by ticker).
  • getEquityCompaniesTickerEstimatesYear
    The getEquityCompaniesTickerEstimatesYear returns all estimates for a company (specified by ticker) for the specified fiscal year.
  • getEquityCompaniesTickerEstimatesYearQ
    The getEquityCompaniesTickerEstimatesYearQ API returns all estimates for a company (specified by ticker) for the specified fiscal year and quarter.
  • getEquityCompaniesTickerReleases
    The getEquityCompaniesTickerReleases API returns the past financial releases for the specified company (by ticker).
  • getEquityCompaniesTickerReleasesYear
    The getEquityCompaniesTickerReleasesYear API returns all financial releases for the specified company (by ticker) for the specified fiscal year.
  • getEquityCompaniesTickerReleasesYearQ
    The getEquityCompaniesTickerReleasesYearQ API returns the financial release for the specified company (by ticker) for the specified fiscal year and quarter.
  • getEquityEstimates
    The getEquityEstimates API returns all estimates in the specified date-range for all companies.
  • getEquityReleases
    The getEquityReleases API returns the current consensus as well as the consensus history of the specified release. Note that you can get the release_id from any of the /companies/<ticker>/releases endpoints (specified as id).
  • getSignals
    The getSignals API returns the signals for each as-of timestamp included in the range of dates supplied to the query. This signal can be queried in periods with a maximum range of 31 days. The default query returns signals for the current day.

Exchange Data International APIs

FinancialContent APIs

First Bridge APIs

Owler APIs

  • getCompanyProfile
    The getCompanyProfile API provides complete information about a publicly or privately traded company
  • getCompetitors
    The getCompetitors API provides basic information about the top 3 competitors of a company
  • searchCompanies
    The searchCompanies API searches for a privately or publicly traded company and returns basic details about matching companies

PRConnect APIs

Sage Data Service APIs

  • getBalanceSheet
    Retrieves recent balance sheets for a security
  • getCashFlow
    Retrieves recent cash flow statements for a security
  • getIncomeStatement
    Retrieves recent income statement data for a security
  • getInsiderActions
    Insider Actions data comprehensively includes all such transactions by insiders in U.S. listed companies.
  • getInstitutionalHoldings
    Quarterly holdings of institutions, including a complete list of which stocks are owned by these institutions.

SpiderRock APIs

  • getOptionClosingMarks
    getOptionClosingMarks records are created immediately after the market close and when exchanges publish official marks. These records contain closing quotes and prices as well as markup details for all outright options. SpiderRock includes their own algorithms that create estimates of the correct theoretical price, creating the SpiderRock closing mark. Data available starting from 1/1/2016.
  • getStockMinuteBars
    Stock Minute Bar records are created once per minute for each open stock and index market. Historical data available through 8/1/2009.
  • getStockPrintSet
    Stock Print Set records are created for each print at the time of the print and updated 1 Minute and 10 Minutes after to record trade performance. Historical data available through 6/1/2015.
  • getStockSRClosingMarks
    getStockSRClosingMarks records are created immediately after the market close, when exchanges publish official marks. These records contain closing quotes and prices. Historical data available through 1/1/2016.

StreetInsider APIs

Woodseer Dividend Forecasting APIs

  • getDividendForecast
    The getDividendForecast API includes full dividend history back to 2012, and our headline accuracy numbers are: 80% of forecast amounts are exact or within 10%, and 80% of forecast ex-dates are exact or within 7 days.
  • getDividendForecastETF
    The getDividendForecastETF API forecasts ETF dividend dates and amounts two years forward. Launched in July 2019 with coverage for over 500 US listed ETFs, it has two years of backfilled back-testable forecast history.